By: Elizabeth Ebner (9th)
Recently the high school has had a role with assemblies; after years of Zoom assemblies, guest speakers have returned to being in-person.
On Friday afternoon, author and lecturer Avi Ciment came to speak with the students about Judaism and its meaning. He elaborated on his rocky childhood experiences with Judaism and how his perspective on religion has changed over the years. In his speech, Ciment addressed the prominent role God plays in our lives. Students enjoyed listening to his enthusiasm, as he engaged the audience with his lively energy.
“The speaker on Friday was really enlightening and he gave a new light to Judaism. He was a really captivating speaker,” said Emily Roller (11th).
A few days later, the school had its annual Yom Hazikaron assembly, commemorating fallen soldiers and terror victims. The 11th grade honors Hebrew class presented the school with various real-life stories about the experiences of soldiers.
One of these videos was about former Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s tragic experience of losing his brother, Yoni, in Operation Entebbe.
“The video of Bibi Netanyahu discussing the loss of his brother was really sad because we all know of Bibi as a prime minister. Many times people don’t connect the dots between him and his brother, so watching him talk about it was meaningful,” said Yona Groisman (9th).
Students have enjoyed the assemblies and eagerly await more interesting speakers.