As we begin to see less clouds and even sunnier skies, our spring sports teams are readying themselves for the exciting upcoming season. With winter sports coming to a close, Hebrew Academy athletics have shifted gears to tennis, boys volleyball, and girls football.
After being canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19, each team is coming in with high hopes and energy for their upcoming competitions. Seniors, who have missed out on these sports for a large portion of their high school careers, are especially enthusiastic about returning to their typical athletic routines.
“The last time I had a full football season was my Freshman year,” said Yakira Wolfson (12th Grade). “It is now my senior year, and I can’t help but feel a little sad that I missed out on so many seasons, but I’m excited to start playing and having practices again.”
This past week, all teams played in their first games of the season. On Monday, the Volleyball and Football teams both competed against Scheck Hillel, a Jewish school in North Miami Beach. The girls team started off their season strong with a win, while the boys were not as victorious. Despite the setback, the team is still determined and is diligently preparing for their upcoming games.
“This is my first year on the team, but I think we’re pretty good,” said David Saka (11th Grade). “It was our first game, and if we keep practicing we can definitely beat some of the teams we are playing.”
In other news, the Tennis team had their first match last Tuesday and ended with an overall win for the teams. Although each player has individual matches, the team collectively worked together to defeat Chaminade Madonna. The players all left feeling accomplished because of their win and are ready to put the effort in to conquer championships this year.
“I’m really excited about our team because we have some really good players and a chance to actually make it really far, hopefully to states,” said returning player Benji Karp (9th Grade). “It has been a really long break, and it is nice to be playing at tennis matches again. It’s a really good feeling to be back on the court competing with other kids.”
Overall, spring sports are back in full swing, and students could not be more excited to reunite and expand their teams. Go, Warriors!
By: Sara Reinberg (11th Grade) and Riley Spitz (9th Grade)