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Parshat Vayera Dvar Torah

Warrior Word Staff

This week’s parsha is Parshat Vayera. Avraham endures a variety of challenges and tests in his lifetime. Whether it’s welcoming guests even right after having his brit milah, the destruction of Sodom and Amorah, sending away Hagar and Yishmael, or the Akeidat Yitzchak.

Despite how difficult these challenges were for Avraham, his faith in Hashem never wavered. He was able to maintain trust that whatever Hashem told him must be the right thing to do.

Even though Yitzchak was supposed to continue Avraham’s legacy and father the Jewish people, Avraham didn’t hesitate when Hashem commanded him to sacrifice Yitzchak for the Akeida. 

At the moment, Hashem’s request seemed completely unreasonable. However, Avraham was able to understand that he couldn’t yet see the full picture and, therefore, he should have faith in Hashem.

Avraham not only passed these tests but ultimately became greater because of them. Some Midrashim even say that as Avraham was walking towards Yitzchak to sacrifice him, the Satan created a river as an additional challenge to prevent him from completing his test. 

The biggest Tzadikim are often met with the biggest challenges; Hashem only gives people challenges that He knows they will be able to overcome as long as they put in the effort. Avraham kept this thought with him at all times and thus was able to face his countless challenges with the knowledge that actively pushing through would allow him to ace the tests. 

For his complete faith and trust in Hashem, Avraham is given a promise that while his descendants will be slaves in a foreign land, they will eventually come out stronger. 

Just like Avraham, his descendants will overcome their own challenges and come out on the other side with immense wealth and knowledge. Hashem promises Avraham that they will be given the land of Israel and guarantees that his children will be safe. 

May everyone have a meaningful Shabbat and not only overcome but thrive because of their own challenges!

By: Tamar Van Dam (10th)


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