This week's parsha, Parshat Vayakhel, highlights the generosity of Bnei Yisrael as they eagerly donated materials for the building of the Mishkan. The Torah emphasizes that the contributions came from those “whose hearts motivated them.”
This phrase raises an important question: Why does the Torah stress the donors’ inner motivations? What is the relevance of it?
Ramban offers a fascinating explanation to this question. He asserts that the Mishkan was not just a physical project but also a spiritual one, with its success dependent on the sincerity of the people. Their donations were not simply given out of obligation; rather, they were given out of a deep desire to contribute to something holy, teaching us that Mitzvot should always be performed with joy and enthusiasm.
Sforno adds an additional insight as well. He explains that the Torah actually praises every donor, regardless of how much they were able to give. Therefore, in Hashem’s eyes, what matters above all else is the intention behind the giving rather than the quantity of it. Even those who could only contribute a small quantity were considered just as valuable as those who gave more, since their hearts were fully invested in the Mitzvah.
This teaches that in serving Hashem and helping others, the true value lies in the heart and effort we put in rather than just the results. Whether through Tzedakah, prayer, or acts of kindness, every sincere effort, no matter how big or small, is equally as meaningful.
Just as Bnei Yisrael built a dwelling place for Hashem through their generosity, the Jews today can create a spiritual sanctuary in their own lives by giving with an open heart and a willing spirit. May we be inspired to give wholeheartedly in all that we do and recognize that every act of goodness brings holiness into the world.
Shabbat Shalom!
By: Naomi Ustoyev (10th)