Joseph Allouche: Hello there Rabbi Kravetz, we have a few questions for you!
Rabbi Kravetz: Sure.
JA: Where are you from?
RK: I am from Lakewood, New Jersey. That’s where I grew up, and I moved here around 8 years ago.
Owen Ebner: What classes do you teach?
RK: I teach 9th grade Gemara, 11th grade Gemara, 12th grade Gemara and 12th grade Tanach, as well as 11th grade Halacha!!
JA: How many years have you been teaching in general?
RK: This is my third year teaching; my first year in Hebrew Academy.
OE: What’s your favorite part of Hebrew Academy so far?
RK: My favorite part of Hebrew Academy is obviously the wonderful people, like you guys, and as many many wonderful people that are a pleasure to interact with. There is a lot of you know friendship and Moreiyah and there is good vibes.
JA: What’s your favorite hobby to do out of school?
RK: That’s a difficult question because I don't really have time to do anything. I really don't have time to do much. Ummmmm but when I do have extra time I try to study Gemara as much as I could. Catch up on Shtai and Mikra!! Do you know what Shtai and Mikra is?? You have to read the Torah every week, Torah portion 2 times with the Targum that’s an obligation.
OE: What’s your favorite Shabbos food?
RK: Never thought about that, hmmm. What is my favorite?
JA: Cholent?
RK: Cholent is a very vague answer because every cholent comes out differently. When a Cholent comes out good it’s the best food.
OE and JA: Okay thank you, Rabbi!!!
By: Joseph Allouche (11th) and Owen Ebner (11th)