Every other week, the Warrior Word interviews a Hebrew Academy staff member and delves into various elements of their persona, such as their origins, hobbies, and any additional knowledge that they have to share. This week, the Warrior Word sat down with the Science Department's most recent addition, Ms.Yang, to discuss her fascinating background and experience at school.
Eli Menaged: “Thank you Ms.Yang for coming to meet with me for this interview. First off, where were you born and raised?”
Ms. Yang: “I was born and raised in China. I’m from Dalian. I moved from China because I didn’t like it there. I first moved to Tennessee, then to Boston, and now Florida. I moved to Miami three years ago because I enjoy the warm weather much better. Transitioning was pretty complicated, but America is pretty good from my experience. It was hard because when I moved everyone had a thick southern accent which I was not expecting because in the movies I would watch everyone sounded much differently.”
EM: “Very interesting, and where did you attend university?”
MY: “I went to Brandeis and then Harvard where I majored in biophysics. I majored in physics first and then I thought biophysics has more practical applications, so I switched my major.”
EM: “What got you into teaching?”
MY: “I’m in the process of converting, so it works with the holiday schedule.”
EM: ”How has your experience been at Hebrew Academy?”
MY: “So far, it’s been really good. I love the students I teach; they’re really patient. I also teach upperclassmen, so they are more mature.”
EM: “What do you teach?”
MY: “I teach AP bio and honors physics because that’s what I’ve learned to teach and my favorite topics.”
Composed by: Eli Menaged (12th)