This week’s Parsha is Parsha Ki Teitzei. In Ki Tetizei, we find 74 out of 613 of our mitzvot listed. Returning lost objects, burying the dead, sending away the mother bird before taking her children, putting up a fence, tzitzit, eating on the job, no cross breading, kilayim, and many more.
One other law written is of a the beautiful captive. Why are the words written as “Ki Tetzei Lemilchama Al Ivecha Venatnu Hashem Elokecha Videcha Veshavita Shivyo,” translated as: “When you will go out to war against your enemies, and G-d, your G-d, will deliver them into your hand and you will capture its captivity.” (21:10)
Why is the word “Shivyo” (“its captive”) written? Shouldn’t it be “Shivyecha” (“your captive”), or “shevi” (“a captive”)?
When generals are in a battle, they guess what the enemy’s plan is and arrange their protection according to the opponent’s strategy. Likewise, everyday our yetzer hara (bad inclination), and yetzer tov (good inclination) have fights trying to control our decisions. We should always listen to our yetzer tov and not let our yetzer hara get in the way. We must be cautious about how we become “shivyo” – “his captive.” Are we going to become a captive to our yetzer hara or to our yetzer tov?
We should eliminate any remnants of the yetzer hara inside of us and become “a captive” to our yetzer tov.
By: Samantha Ebner (9th grade)