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Humans of RASG: Dvir Twito

Warrior Word Staff

Humans of RASG, similar to Humans of New York, is a verbal snapshot of the people who make up our high school. Each human is asked to speak about themselves at length, and their monologue is recorded and transcribed verbatim. In order to keep it real, nothing is omitted. This week, the Warrior Word interviewed  Dvir Twito (11th). Get to know Dvir as she discusses her background, school life, and future goals and interests.

“Hi, my name is Dvir Twito. I'm a sixteen-year-old junior. I am a Sephardic Jew born in Miami. I have three siblings; two are still at Hebrew Academy, one is an [alumnus], and my mother is a teacher here. I have been on and off at Hebrew Academy. I was here for all of elementary school, then for middle school, I did homeschool and then I came back for high school. In the beginning, it was very hard to adjust from school to homeschool then back to school. Homeschooling was very claustrophobic at first, and it was hard to be away from all my friends. But as years went on, it got more routine[d], but it made me miss regular school more, so I asked my parents to bring me back to regular high school. Then transitioning back to high school was also difficult—adjusting back into the regular routine—but I started to like it more. My favorite thing about real school is talking to people here and making new connections, and just maintaining the ones I have. I'm taking three APs this year: APUSH, AP Lang, and AP Pre-Calc. After high school, I plan on going to the IDF. After that, I’m not really sure, but I know

I want to go into a profession involving creativity like designing.”

Composed by: Adina Shagalov (10th) and Abby Reich(11th)


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