Humans of RASG, similar to Humans of New York, is a verbal snapshot of the people who make up our high school. Each human is asked to speak about themselves at length, and their monologue is recorded and transcribed verbatim. In order to keep it real, nothing is omitted. This week, the Warrior Word interviewed twins Annael and Shirel Albergel (11th). Get to know Annael and Shirel as they discuss their background and family, school life, and future goals and interests.

"Hi, our names are Annael and Shirel Albergel. We are 16-year-old juniors at Hebrew Academy. We are French-Moroccan-Sephardi Jews born in Miami. We have two older sisters, ages 24 and 21. Our oldest sister currently lives in Miami, and our other sister just finished the army and is currently in Israel finishing college. We transferred [this year] because we felt Hebrew Academy would be a better fit for us and wanted a more academically-focused school. We really like this school because of the friends we’ve made and how caring the teachers are. We both take four AP classes, and we are both in the Hearts in Action club. I [Shirel] am also in the Environmental Club and Friendship Circle. I [Annael] enjoy taking care of kids and babysitting often. I [Shirel] also enjoy taking care of kids and like working out in my free time. Though we aren’t currently involved in sports, we both used to dance when we were younger. After high school, I [Annael] plan on studying business and medicine, and I [Shirel] plan on studying computer science. We both plan to go to Israel after we graduate."
Compiled by: Emma Attias (10th) & Emilie Bensoussan (10th)