Natalie Alishayev, 10th grade: Something that’s going on in my life…well I mean, I play guitar and I’m currently writing a song with a friend, like she plays piano and I play guitar, so we’re writing a song together, and so far we’re just writing about high school and how different high schools, how they have to open up to people more, kind of like that. She goes to a public school and I go to a private school and we’re trying to like compare how that works out into the song. I’m in the play and I play Gabriella, and it’s really cool. I haven’t been in the play since middle school, like I’ve done back stage, but it’s fun to get to see what goes on besides that, in depth with the play, so it’s cool. I have two siblings, my brother Jonathan who’s the ninth grader, and my brother Eden who’s in second grade, and I’m the oldest. I went to public school for five years and then I came to hebrew academy in fifth grade. I bake a lot. I like to bake, because I like food. I draw also, a lot of drawing, like everywhere doodling. Oh, I know how to knit. I knit a lot. I can knit scarves and I just recently learned how to knit hats, just ‘cause, why not? And I have a sewing machine, so I also sew. I really have a lot of free time. I don’t do anything. That’s it, I don’t really have anything interesting about myself.”
Compiled By: Tehila Moore (12th Grade)