Humans of RASG, similar to Humans of New York, is a verbal snapshot of the people who make up our high school. Each human is asked to speak about themselves at length, and their monologue is recorded and transcribed verbatim. In order to keep it real, nothing is left out.
Benji Sragowicz (9th)
My name is Benji Sragowicz and I am in 9th grade. I’ve been in Hebrew Academy since Pre-K. I have 5 siblings. My favorite sport is basketball and my other hobbies are creating stuff and fishing. I was born here in Miami, Mount Sinai Hospital. My favorite food is Pizza. I have 2 dogs. After Highschool, I wanna study Business and be a businessman. My favorite show right now is squid games and my favorite movie is probably Thunderstruck. My favorite part about Hebrew Academy is getting the opportunity to make new friends and meet new people. I would recommend Hebrew Academy to a lot of people, for people that are lonely it is a great place for them to make friends.
Compiled by: Yona Groisman (9th grade)