Each week a different member of the Hebrew Academy community will share their daily life, thoughts and feelings about what it's like living in quarantine and the unprecedented pandemic sweeping the world.
By: Sara Reinberg (9th Grade)
I think I speak for everyone when I say that quarantine is a time where we feel like we have nothing to do, but have so much to do. I wish I could say I have used this time wisely, but really I haven't been doing so much besides my school work. There are those people that are like, “I decided to learn a new language” or “I just baked this new cake I found on TikTok,” but I am just not that productive or creative. However, I have taken it upon myself to try and do a new thing everyday, and I am excited about it. Below is my diary of my day in a life of quarantine, and my attempts to do something new and fun:
Today I started out feeling pretty optimistic, but as the day went on my laziness just crept in. I woke up feeling good, and made my to-do list like I make every morning. This makes me feel like I accomplish things throughout the day. I write out the smallest things sometimes just to make it seem like I actually did something. I davened and went to class until 2:10. School can get kind of boring online like this, and sometimes I feel unmotivated, but I manage. After school I was feeling really lazy and did not want to really start my whole “do something fun everyday” plan. I worked on some homework, did some exercise and pretty much just watched TV. and lounged for the rest of the day. But, the good part about quarantine is that I have plenty more days to try again, so I was determined to make tomorrow better than today.
The thing about quarantine is that you wake up knowing exactly what is going to happen on that day, so nothing seems exciting anymore. This was how I felt up until today. I woke up ready for the day to start and for me to actually try something new. After school I had basketball practice, which already made me feel like I did something worthwhile. After working on some homework I went swimming with my siblings, which was pretty fun. I was tired of watching TV all day, so this was definitely a good switch up. Later, I decided I was going to make a fun dessert I saw on TikTok. It was supposed to be some sort of ice cream thing, but instead of following the recipe, I decided to just create my own and it came out pretty good. Today was a lot better, and now I get to say I made something cool in quarantine.
Today was more of a fun day than a productive day. I woke up and went through my usual routine until 2:10. School was a little more difficult today because I wanted to just find something new to do after. I had basketball again and worked out a little to get some exercise up until 5:00. Afterwards my family and I went outside to play knockout and swim. While I was outside I realized how being quarantined really can be fun. I got to spend some quality time with my family instead of us all just sitting around on our phones all day or just too busy to see each other. My dad is a doctor, so he is out of the house a little, but I know his job is especially important in these times. However, he is home more than he would be on a regular weekday and so is my mom, which is nice. I think quarantine is helping me appreciate more of the little things, like just being able to see my family. I won’t lie and say it's kumbaya and peace all the time, but it's definitely fun. Today was great, and I’m happy I’ll be able to remember this time as not only being bored at home, but more of a time where I am taking a break from the world and reality, and just having fun.
The rainy weather today made me want to just crawl into bed and sleep, but I found this recipe for banana muffins that I wanted to make. So, after school, I got to baking. I followed the recipe this time, and they came out better than I expected. After that I helped my mom pack some groceries for my grandma. We bring her groceries every 2-3 weeks, because it's not safe for her to leave the house due to her age. In times like these I feel extremely lucky to be young and healthy, and I know how important it is for us to help the people who aren’t. We need to come together and work together to get through this tough time. Later, I watched a movie with my family and went to bed feeling good about my day.