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Color War 2024!

Warrior Word Staff

Last Tuesday, the entire high school joined a Zoom meeting to participate in a Navi challenge when Rabbi Jack announced Color War! Because students had speculated that Color War would be announced soon, they were ecstatic about the breakout.

The Color War theme this year was restaurants in the Shuk of Machne Yehuda. The freshmen represented Katzefet (purple), the sophomores represented Marzipan (red), the juniors represented Pasta Basta (green), and the seniors represented Burgers Bar (black).  

Right after the breakout, Color War kicked off with minute-to-win-it. Students’ names from each grade were picked out of a bag to execute each challenge. 

After a day off from school on Wednesday, Color War continued on Thursday with a beautiful joint davening. This was followed by a Dvar Torah from Esther Lauoi (10th) for team Marzipan and Jonah Delgado (9th) for team Katzefet before heading to TY Park. 

Once the students arrived at the park, a fun day of sports and activities began. The teams competed in basketball, volleyball, football, kickball, chess, shesh-besh, and jenga. The day concluded with tug-o-war and the Apache, which the freshman won.

On Friday, the final day of Color War began with another school-wide davening followed by a Dvar Torah from Naomi Shmutr (11th) for team Pasta Basta and Yosef Woznica (12th) for team Burgers Bar. 

The teams then headed upstairs to their designated classrooms for team time to finalize their stomp, song, and banner. During this time was also the cake decorating activity, as well as a new addition to Color War called “See, Run, Build!” where one teammate "sees" a design or structure, delivers the information to a "runner" who tells it to a "builder" to physically construct it.

Next, the entire school gathered in the gym for giant volleyball. After cleaning up their designated team rooms, everyone proceeded to the old building across the street for the concluding ceremony. 

The ceremony began with each team’s live stomp, followed by presenting the art banners and skit videos, and finally, performing the team song. 

After much-awaited anticipation, Morah Twito finally revealed the winners of Color War…

The undefeated juniors, team Pasta Basta, had won! 

The two days of Color War were full of thrilling, team-bonding experiences, where all the students showed their incredible ruach. 

By: Emma Attias(10th) & Shirel Benhamou (10th)

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