On October 7, 2023, Naama Levy was abducted from kibbutz Nahal Oz by Hamas. Along with 254 other individuals, she was taken hostage and likely, Naama Levy is one of 101 hostages who remain in captivity under inhumane conditions. Ayelet Levy, Naama’s mother, said, “My 19-year-old, kind-hearted daughter Naama was savagely kidnapped and taken into Gaza, and the world watched in horror as she was dragged by her hair out of the back of a Jeep at gunpoint, handcuffed, bleeding and petrified.” Naama’s friends and family describe her as someone who supported people with differences and helped those less fortunate before she was kidnapped. Naama volunteered at a kindergarten for the children of foreign workers. She graduated from a youth movement dedicated to uniting children from the different sectors of Israeli society. While on a phone interview with the American news agency, Naama’s mother Ayelet shared that Naama “always had a great passion for bridging between people and communities and for speaking up, hearing the other side.”
346 days after October 7, 2023, we continue to daven for the safe return of Naama and the other 100 remaining hostages. Bring them home now!

By: Abraham Zohar (10th)