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A Beautiful Senior-Run Shabbaton

Warrior Word Staff

Last weekend, to celebrate the start of their last school year, the senior class organized their very own grade-wide Shabbaton in Miami Beach. No, it wasn’t a school-run Shabbaton; the seniors set up special Shabbos-long activities to spend quality time together as a grade—especially because this is their last year as students. 

Throughout the weeks leading up to the Shabbaton, the seniors took it upon themselves to organize sleeping accommodations, meal locations, food sources, and various activities.

The spirited Shabbaton began on Friday evening. Before Shabbos, all of the students arrived at their specific host homes. For dinner, the girls gathered at Ella Levy’s home, each bringing a different dish. The boys split up and ate dinner at their host homes. 

Later that night, the seniors met at Jacob Schottenstein’s house to hang out with board games and more dessert. Finally, everyone returned to their host homes.

“Friday night was so much fun since we all got to hang out without our phones and spend genuine quality time with kids we don’t always see in school,” shared senior Zach Schuster. 

On Shabbos morning, all of the boys attended shul for davening. The girls joined for an exclusive shiur from Rabbi Manne at Beth Israel, solely for the senior grade. 

“Rabbi Manne’s shiur was really meaningful since, on our own, we coordinated with him to have it. I thought it was really interesting and added a special level to my Shabbos,” said senior Elly Rosenberg. 

Following the shiur, the entire grade of both boys and girls headed back to Ella Levy’s house. Senior Max Lehmann gave a Dvar Torah followed by kiddush for an hours-long lunch.

When lunch was over, the seniors made their way to Jacob Schottenstein’s house again. There, the seniors spent the final six hours of Shabbos catching up, playing card games, and for some, napping. 

The seniors concluded Shabbos—and their Shabbaton—with a beautiful Havdalah together led by senior Jacob Hakmon.

The seniors immensely enjoyed their Shabbos together, as their appreciation for bonding as a grade has only grown throughout high school.

“I had an amazing time this weekend as a grade. It passed by so fast since we were seriously enjoying every moment together,” senior Rachel Davoudpour commented. 

Having organized two of their own Shabbatons throughout last year, as well, the Class of 2025 looks forward to future Shabbatons—whether through school or on their own—during this last school year of theirs!

By: Elizabeth Ebner (12th)


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