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A Balloon-Filled Field Trip for Mrs. Chernova’s Math Students

Warrior Word Staff

Last Thursday, Mrs. Chernova’s Pre-Calculus students from last year visited the Balloon Museum. While Mrs. Chernova no longer teaches these students, she had promised them that she would take them on a field trip once they completed their AP exam. Her class even held a bake sale towards the end of the year, which helped fund this trip.

Unfortunately, time slipped by, and next thing Mrs. Chernova knew, the year was about to end. So, with the help of Mr. Fernandez, she made sure that these students would be rewarded this year.

The students went about their regular day of classes until lunch time, then  they made their way to Wynwood, where the museum is located.

The museum showcases numerous exhibits by directing people through many different rooms. Some rooms simply feature interesting backgrounds to photograph, while others are completely interactive. For instance, one room has a lounge chair with a beach background to take pictures in, while another had a working piano with balloons around it. The one thing in common with the entire museum is that everything is made of balloons!


Seeing and walking through all of these different rooms “was super cool and trippy,” according to Adrian Gibly (11th).

One room provided a virtual reality headset for every student, allowing them to experience life in a world of balloons. As Dan Lipkin (11th) explained, the virtual reality experience “took us through a variety of different worlds.” 

While math classes going on spontaneous field trips is obviously not an everyday thing, it should definitely be put into consideration to happen more often since students had such a blast. Not only is it entertaining and fun, but it is also a great opportunity to bond with one another.

“I really feel like I got to know my classmates beyond surface level,” said Shirel Albergel (11th).

Both the students and teachers of the Hebrew Academy High School appreciated this experience, and were thrilled to get to share this opportunity with their classmates and teachers.

By: Noam Cohen (12th) & Tova Bossewitch (11th)

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